Ainsley Gommon Architects

Employee Ownership

At AGA, along with clients and communities, we also recognise the value and contributions of our employee team. In March 2023, we became an Employee Ownership Trust, encouraging innovation at all levels with our employees becoming shareholders.

Social Value Toolkit

Our Social Value Toolkit was created through the guidance of the RIBA ‘Social Value Toolkit’ for Architecture and the UKGBC’s ‘A Guide for Delivering Social Value on Built Environment Projects’. This ensures that emerging projects meet stakeholder needs, enhancing the health and wellbeing of end-users. Our toolkit covers all stages of the RIBA Plan of Work, maximising our positive impact throughout our projects and post-occupancy.

Our methodology considers the broader benefits and costs generated by our organisation, committing to social responsibility and environmental sustainability across England and Wales.

Creating Employment and Skills Opportunities

We are committed to employing young people, reducing youth unemployment and creating opportunities for local society. Examples of this include:

  • Providing continuity of work and training for our current graduate employees and local young people
  • Maintaining our Gold Standard accreditation from Investors in People through our practice
  • Providing work experience to pupils from local secondary schools
  • Contributing time to provide careers advice to those interested in working in the built environment
  • Attending Careers Days at local schools and getting involved in the RIBA Student Mentorship Scheme

We actively seek opportunities to contribute further, maximising our ability to create jobs and opportunities.

Creating Safe, Vibrant and Sustainable Communities

At AGA, we value any opportunity to engage with local communities across England and Wales. Examples of our community involvement include:

  • Attending public consultation events, aiding our clients through discussing schemes with local residents, including the use of CGI imagery
  • Maintaining community engagement throughout projects, creating progress newsletters and hosting events
  • Attending volunteer days and sponsoring projects or events
  • Committing to Net Zero Carbon before 2050 and ensuring we have a positive environmental impact within communities
  • Staff actively volunteering in schools, coaching sports teams and working with the homeless
  • Involvement in community-based projects which provide employment and work experience to locals (for example see Kingsley Road Conversion & New Build Housing)

Implementing Environmentally Sustainable Practices

Within architecture, the construction industry and wider society, environmental impacts are a growing priority. At AGA, we have a number of measures in place to ensure continuous prioritisation of sustainable practices including:

  • Providing staff training to encourage sustainable behaviours as part of our ISO 14001 accreditation
  • Carefully considering how our designs and specifications support local products and supply chains, reducing emissions
  • Developing our Carbon Reduction Plan to ensure we reach our pre 2050 target of Net Zero Carbon
  • Include placemaking principles in our designs, promoting sustainable transport, green infrastructure and community identity
  • Encouraging immersion in nature through design, promoting community mental health along with enhancing local wildlife habitats and biodiversity

Supporting the Vulnerable

With the current cost of living crisis, it is more important than ever to support our most vulnerable communities. At AGA we are actively involved with non-profit charitable organisations through:

  • Fundraising office days and donating to local homelessness initiatives
  • Working on various projects to house homeless people, gaining insight into potential challenges to overcome through design
  • Staff volunteering, including working with the homeless