Landscape Design
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- Landscape Design
Ainsley Gommon has expertise in the completion of landscape design, urban design, masterplanning, public realm, green infrastructure and environmental improvement projects. We work with a range of clients including housing providers, including sheltered and dementia care, local authorities, community groups, educational establishments and healthcare teams. The landscape design of the external space is treated as an integral part of our design process, with a focus on sustainability and the environmental responsibility through the design, construction and maintenance of our completed schemes.
Through the delivery of our landscape, urban design and masterplanning commissions, we aim to:
- create attractive settings for buildings
- design attractive places for people and communities to use
- create a range of character areas that help give a place identity
- design safe and accessible external environments
- create environments that encourage biodiversity and native wildlife habitats
We aim to create places for people to use and enjoy and landscape has the power to transform the way a place is perceived and utilised. We aim to design schemes that are attractive, functional and easy to maintain. The landscape palette is wide ranging and includes; land form, space, texture, colour, water, light, materials and planting. We also recognise a site must relate to its history and unique features, and we will utilise these attributes to provide a bespoke design to meet the project brief in both, the urban and rural environments.