Environmental Policy
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- Environmental Policy
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Ainsley Gommon Architects is committed to sound environmental practice in the provision of its professional services and its business management. The company acknowledges that the planning and design of the built environment has a significant impact on the use of resources and pollution at global and local levels and is therefore a critical element in the process of moving towards a sustainable future.
Addressing the issues raised by sustainable development can reduce building procurement costs, running costs, and maintenance costs. It can also have commercial benefits for the building owner and improve the health and well being of the people who use the building.
Because the Practice recognises that the provision of its services will impact on the environment Ainsley Gommon Architects is committed to:
- Comply with applicable environmental legislation and with other compliance obligations which the organisation subscribes to, which relate to the environment and sustainability;
- Continually seek to reduce any negative environmental impacts, protect the environment and prevent pollution in the delivery of its services;
- Aim to reduce or maintain the company’s Carbon Footprint each year;
- Set objectives and targets to promote continual improvement programs and regularly review environmental performance;
- Take account of the concerns of clients, members of the public and all those affected by our work;
- Ensure that all members of our office are aware of this policy and are trained in their environmental responsibilities, including the use of environmentally friendly products, waste minimisation and recycling;
- and make this policy available to the public on demand.
This policy has been implemented within the framework of Ainsley Gommon Architects Environmental Management System within our Scope of Registration for Architects, Technologists, Building Surveyors and Principal Designers, which has been developed in line with the requirements of ISO 14001 2015.
Download a copy of our Environmental Policy here.