Ainsley Gommon Architects


Wirral MBC and Registered Providers


Birkenhead, Wirral


£4.2 million

Date Completed

Summer 2009

Development Overview

The Triangles Group Repair Scheme (TGRS), has changed the look, atmosphere and confidence of a Birkenhead neighbourhood. The Triangles area based project incorporated a major refurbishment programme, delivering improvements to properties and significant investment in environmental works. This project has brought about positive change to The Triangles, which falls within Wirral’s HMRI area.

Split over several phases, the aim of the scheme was to secure the external fabric of a group of 450 no. privately owned residential properties located in the north end area of Birkenhead to ensure reasonable repair and structural stability on completion. The final phase also included works to a number of commercial and retail properties with residential accommodation to the upper floors.

Built on a dynamic partnership with local residents and Wirral Borough Council the scheme achieved a buy in from over 90% of property owners. Over time the property prices have arisen by 50%, homes have been improved, the neighbourhood is cleaner and the community is more confident.

Phase One of the scheme received ‘The New Heartlands Champions Award’ at the Strictly Regeneration Awards 2007.