Ainsley Gommon Architects


Private Client


Southport Town Centre



Date Completed

Planning December 2023

Development Overview

This project involves the restoration of 42-50 Nevill Street located within the Promenade Conservation Area, Southport.

Nevill Street is one of the main thoroughfares in Southport Town centre and the building is a non-designated heritage asset.

Although the building has the appearance to be 1930s built, it was actually formed by grafting new street façades onto the structure of an earlier building. It is a striking intervention in the streetscape and deserves to be conserved and where necessary, restored.

The project will be funded through the Southport Townscape Heritage Project – a regeneration project intended to help improve historic buildings in Southport’s town centre conservation areas that are in need of investment.

We were brought on to the project as a Conservation registered practice to provide conservation expertise, guidance and technical design working alongside the original project designer Awe Architecture.

The project involves restoring the envelope of the building back to its 1930s Art Deco style. The ground floor unit of the building front Bath Street will be reinstated as a bar and restaurant, with the remaining units facing Nevill Street to be divided into two commercial units. The upper floors will be refurbished as six modern self-contained apartments, with the additional two apartments being retained. The rear of the building will be simply refurbished as it has no notable architectural significance.