Pobl Group
Newport, South Wales
£5.5 million
Date Completed
Winter 2024
Development Overview
This new development bq. of thirty nine affordable homes is located in the centre of Alway, Newport, on the site of the former Ladyhill Centre & Sevenstiles Public House. A high quality, cohesive and sustainable community, the development provides a natural infill to the residential development of Alway, and is led by strong green infrastructure & placemaking ideologies. Landscaping enhancements include rain gardens, pocket parks and grasscrete parking. The highly sustainable scheme enables ‘low carbon living’, with combustion free homes that embrace cutting-edge energy and drainage technology.
The homes will built using Modern Methods of Construction, using Sevenoaks Modular panelised, pre-insulated timber frame construction. The pre-insulated panels will arrive to site with the external facade treatment part applied for flexibility. The homes are designed with a fabric first approach to meet future WG Part L 2025 and achieved a SAP 100 ratings and EPC A rating. There is zero onsite combustion and the homes will have all electric systems, with a clear path to achieve net zero carbon in the future. Solar photovoltaic panels generate zero carbon energy on site and batteries store for use for on-plot EV facilities with potential for two-way charging and integration with grid. The project was successfully awarded Welsh Government Innovative Housing Programme (4) funding.
Drone photographs courtesy of J.G Hale Construction.