Ainsley Gommon Architects


Gladstone's Library


Hawarden, Flintshire



Date Completed

Due to start on site summer 2024

Development Overview

Gladstone’s Library is a Grade I Listed building in Hawarden, built between 1899 and 1906 and houses former Prime Minister extensive book collection held in trust for the nation The library also includes residential accommodation allowing researchers to stay while studying the vast collection of is the UK’s finest residential research library in Hawarden’s Conservation Area.

This scheme is to help renovate the deteriorating roof and stabilise the main entrance tower porch and the gable of the east wing requires urgent work. All work needs to be done with the utmost care not to disturb any existing features of the Grade I Listed library.

The proposed roof renovation will focus on the areas of worst condition and replace like for like and reuse as much natural material as possible. It is an opportunity to improve the building’s fabric by adding insulation where possible and upgrading the roof lights and deteriorated windows to higher-quality conservation versions. The foundations and ground around the affected areas will be underpinned using ground injection stabilization provided by Geobear. Some newer additions and repairs will be replaced with better conservation versions such as the plastic down pipes for cast iron versions and lead roofs instead of asphalt.

A drone survey of the roof was carried out for a comprehensive review of the roof condition and the scope of work needed in repair. AGA carried out a quinquennial survey of the library to scope out the existing condition of the historic building and any work needed to keep the library open. In Autumn 2021, AGA helped the library reopen its doors to the public by making internal changes following the Covid Pandemic.