Lovell Partnership Ltd
Port Sunlight, Wirral
Date Completed
Planning December 2024
Development Overview
The development at Dock Road North is proposed to be located on existing disused brownfield land which presents an opportunity to provide much needed housing of various sizes and tenures to the area. The design will bring the site into active use, connecting Riverside Park to the existing residential area.
The development will consist of 40% affordable homes, which is well in excess of the 20% required as planning policy.
Materials have been selected for their availability to be recycled at the end of their life as well as to blend into the surrounding area. The dwellings have a simple, contemporary palette inspired by the existing context, giving the new homes their own identity. The variety of housing types creates visual interest and provides a much needed variety of sizes.
All dwellings are provided with 1 to 3 parking spaces, depending on dwelling size, and a screened bin store, primarily to the rear of properties.
Massing has been designed to blend into the surrounding context along with the site layout design. The road network hierarchy encourages slower vehicle movement throughout the site, with pedestrian routes and enhanced landscaping incorporated in the design.