Ainsley Gommon Architects


Private Client


Wrexham City Centre



Date Completed

Autumn 2023

Development Overview

This project involves the restoration of The Grade II listed 58 Hope Street located within the Wrexham City Centre Conservation Area as part of Wrexham’s THI. The project involves restoring the existing shop front to its former Victorian glory and also converting the upper floors to 3no. 2 bedroom apartments.

The site is constrained and therefore there is no onsite parking, however, the location is very well connected with public transport. Creating mixed use buildings creates a valuable role in helping address the housing crisis through the provision of a range of new homes.

Our proposals aim to rationalise the building and create very functional apartments and shop ready for fit out which is suitable for 21st century living.

The proposals will bring this vacant building into use and future proof it for years to come and historic assets and details of the building will be retained as much as possible.

The apartments are proposed to be accessed from a core stairwell which will be completely separated from the shop premises. They more or less stack up floor to floor, with some small differences due to the existing wall locations which will be utilised where possible.

Provision has been made to ensure that the building is functional in modern day living, such as a bin storage location for the apartments. Cycle storage will be within each individual apartment within the generous store cupboards.