Ainsley Gommon Architects


Private Client


Bidston, Prenton, Wirral



Date Completed

Autumn 2017

Development Overview

Ainsley Gommon was approached by the client to undertake the internal reordering and repairs to this Grade II listed building. Completed in 1873, the Lighthouse and cottages where in operation as a lighthouse and electric telegraph station until 1913 & 1914 respectively before becoming a multifamily residence in 1935. The property is now a single private residence and heritage venue.

The client wished to create a bed-sit within the northern cottage with it’s own private external entrance as well as a secure internal access via the remaining cottages. It was also requested to provide a secure route to the lighthouse via the central entrance of the cottages to minimise disturbance to the private residence by the general public during open days. A dedicated WC and Sunroom were incorporated into this space for public use.

As well as internal re-ordering, it was requested to gain approval for the replacement of the existing cast iron external door to the lantern room, with a more sympathetic half glazed timber door.

Listed building consent was granted for the internal works and repair works in Spring 2017.