Fairlake Properties with Monmouth County Council
Monmouth, Monmouthshire
Date Completed
Winter 2003
Development Overview
Drybridge Gardens provides accommodation designed to respond to the changing physical needs of six individuals with severe disabilities, in a non-institutional environment that promotes independence.
The site is within a Grade 2 Listed Walled Garden, once the kitchen garden of Drybridge House. The design takes its theme this setting, with low-pitched butterfly roofs concealed by parapets maintaining the horizontal lines of the garden wall.
A high level of sustainability is achieved by a timber frame cassette system, with Warmcell recycled newspaper insulation. A rainwater harvesting system supplies toilets and washing machines and solar panels provide 30% of the residents’ hot water requirements.
Completed in December 2003 at a cost of £940K, Drybridge Gardens received an RSAW Housing Design Award 2004, a Mention in the Civic Trust Awards 2005 and a Civic Trust for Wales Local Design Award 2006.
The development was also selected by the Design Commission for Wales as an exemplar housing project and is featured on their website.