Ainsley Gommon Architects

We are excited to share these construction photos of Cricieth’s new primary school, Ysgol Treferthyr for Cyngor Gwynedd. Developed under the Welsh Government’s 21st Century Schools Programme to provide a modern learning environment.

The new school caters for 150 pupils, providing six classrooms, an ALN classroom, an Early Years Unit as well as a large hall, multi-use/resource room, staff facilities, sports pitch, hard surface playing area, multi-use games area and associated car parking with new highway access.

The project is being built by Wynne Construction and utilises steel frame construction with metal cladding, stone and render external finishes. Works are progressing well on site with the building almost weather tight. The project team are working hard to deliver the new school on time for completion in summer 2024.

Key milestone, steel frame structure erected. Photograph below courtesy of Wynne Construction: May 2023.

Construction progress photographs below.

Drone photograph below courtesy of Wynne Construction: August 2023.

Read more about the project on our Project Page

Posted By
Georgia Taylor
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News Architecture