The University Centre was officially opened by Ken Skates AM, the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure on Monday 17th October. After taking a short tour to see the high tech facilities provided within the new building, he spoke to an audience of invited guests, students and apprentices before unveiling an official plaque to mark the occasion.
Jointly developed by Coleg Cambria and Swansea University, the new building provides state of the art teaching facilities for learners enrolled on University level courses and students enrolled at Swansea University who are undertaking placements at Airbus in Broughton. The building supports the delivery of Advanced Engineering and Materials education programmes that will support the changing skills needs and meet the wider demand in North East Wales for engineering expertise and training.
The development uses the latest sustainable technology including air source heat pumps, rainwater harvesting and solar panels and provides learners with advanced facilities including 11 teaching rooms including engineering labs and workshops.
Pictured above are members of the project team, left to right: (Sarah Davies and Richard Beatson from Ainsley Gommon Architects, Graham Dickson from Wynne Construction, Graham Evans from Coleg Cambria, Glyn Roberts from Roberts Bayliss Associates and Simon Venables from Ainsley Gommon Architects)
To see more photographs of the completed building and read more about the project, visit our project page.