Ainsley Gommon Architects

A Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant of £393,100 has been awarded to Birkenhead Priory to transform it into a multi-purpose community space. The project, led by Wirral Council, will include conservation works to the north and west Priory buildings to remove the Priory from the Heritage At Risk register. The grant will also go towards improving the visitor experience through a range of interactive activities, creating a digital learning pack for schools and a public performance programme based on the Priory’s Heritage, providing opportunities for volunteers to get involved and revamp the museum in the Priory’s undercroft.

The Priory is a Grade I Listed Building and is the oldest standing building on Merseyside, located within a Scheduled Ancient Monument site. The work continues Ainsley Gommon’s involvement with the site following the completion of a £735,000 restoration programme earlier in the year, which included stonework repairs to the tower and spire of St. Mary’s Church, the installation of a platform lift to improve access, new interpretation of the site and the reinstatement of onsite car parking. Ainsley Gommon are pleased to continue their involvement at The Priory with the commencement of this new phase of the project on site.

Posted By
Sarah Davies
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